Monday, February 21, 2011

Where are We Headed? What Will be the Fate of Society?

So guys what will become of us? You tell me...


Motivationalized said...

I'm still quietly hoping for 2012 to be honest...

Kerykeion said...

Either the revolts currently happening world-wide will spread and the lower and middle classes will finally rise up and abolish this class system that is ruining our planet and our species; or we will sit by idly while the rich rape us and our planet until it is too late.

The Game said...

I hope this ends as soon as possible, so we can get a complete new start, and go in different, and hopefully better way

ScottD said...

I actually just went out last week and bought a saiga-12 with drum last week. Im glad I did. FROG PEOPLE bring it!

Bassislv said...

the end bro, 2012 is approaching

Melanie said...

We're all going to die.

ed said...

we'll becomes robots and stuff

Aaron M. Gipson said...

I think the future is going to be a little less "Star Trek" and alot more "Bladerunner" the way things are going right now...

tune a fish said...

de evolution

we have already started our gentle backslide into the ocean

TheRogue said...

The sun will eventually die and humankind will have to seek other places in the universe to live...hopefully we'll be able to find somewhere else to live!

Anonymous said...

Well history repeats itself, so if you want a glimpse into the future, take a glimpse into the past.

cocacolaclutch said...

I don't believe 2012 will be the end of us all. Unless North Korea does something awfully crazy in 2012. Which may happen lol

Marcus Silva said...

We'll all turn into rabbits.

-- said...

We will be our own fate. Humans are the lone thing that can destroy themselves.

Desuuuu said...

Ahahaha Motivationalized, same thing here mate.

Anonymous said...

We'll wallow around in the same mediocre mess we're sitting in now, just with more gadgets.

Astronomy Pirate said...

We will slowly, hopefully move out into the solar system and then into interstellar space. But that's going to take a long time and there will be all the normal human problems of war and disease along the way. At least, this is hoping people come to their senses.

HillDog said...

It is hard to tell. I wish people would be aware of issues in the world. I know we have the resources and technology to make life significantly better for everyone. My .02

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