Friday, February 11, 2011

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak Steps Down...Because of Alien Threats

The Egyptian president has stepped down, the revolution has ended. You may all go back to building pyramids for your pharaohs.(your better yet call back your alien friends that helped you build them in the first place.) Hmmm you know what, I've just though of something, perhaps the Egyptian people got help from the aliens, maybe they convinced the president to step down so that they could make room for another 2000 years of alien pharaoh rule.
My conclusion is that the aliens are returning to there base on earth, which was located in Egypt and they are getting ready to take over the country, before they take over the world...again


Ammmp said...

I love me some aliens

Ramsay said...

I'm sure they'll be quite surprised at all the crap that's going on down there right now.

The Governor said...

surprised, but I don't think they care, they just want the country back.

LittleGiantBomb said...

About time.

Josh said...

I'm a believer

Doc_Waffles said...

I had a feeling it was aliens.

PANDA.JPG said...

...Aliens? I wonder what direction this country will take after hearing that.

Gaming Day said...

Thank God he finnally stepped down its getting crazy over there

Neuro said...

Glad to see him out of office

Thuganomics said...

haha aliens...

Weirdwhirl said...

I allways thought the president lookes a bit off.

Bulk Up Baba said...

I dont know aliens so much but egyptians are crazy . They throw rocks like at speed of light .

Aliens are kinda weird animals they can telekinesis those rocks to defend theirselves .

So i would say egyptians would win if there was an alien invasion .

Themanwiththegoldeneyeball said...

It's all so clear now

Anonymous said...

I love this shit

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