So I got this amazing idea to help lower our national debt, it's going to sound crazy but trust me it's a good idea...lets get ride of all welfare programs entirely. See I figure that welfare is just incentiveizing being lazy and not working. People figure they don't have to work because Uncle Sam will provide no matter what, and we need to show them this simply isn't true. Now I see two possible outcomes to this, one being that without welfare people finally have the motivation to get a job so they can pay taxes and whatnot, and the debt decreases or the people will still be too lazy and figure “the government isn't going to let us die are they?” Which is exactly what we let them do, now we don't have to worry about them, and the national debt again will decrease.
See, if we stop paying attention to them they'll either...
A: Stop trying to get attention and become productive members of society
B: Die and we forget about them
(Assuming they're not stupid they'll choose option A.)
We ignore the problem, it will go away!
Option B isn't so bad either!
Good idea, maybe it would work but is very dificult to implement
you think welfare is an all inclusive retreat for the lazy? Why don't you try going on it then and seeing for yourself?
Welfare is no picnic. It hardly gives you a living wage and you have to live like some kind of rat. It does anything but "incentiveizing" laziness. The vast majority of people on welfare don't want to be. They are people who have lost their jobs or people who have a lot of trouble finding jobs that they can handle and keep.
Option B is not even possible. Poor people will not just simply die off without welfare. They will turn to whatever it takes to get money. This means illegal crime. Remove welfare will increase crime, and more crime means you have to pay higher taxes for increased police enforcement.
Benefits aren't always falsely claimed...
stopping them wars would lower your debt considerably
I've never quite understood welfare in the first place...
This post is stupid, welfare costs next to nothing to the taxpayers, the most expensive stuff is what we pay in tax breaks to corporations and to the military. Removing welfare wont fix the economy, all it will do is cause an increase in crime.
this is a complicated topic, and as I don't know anything about this, I will pass lol
dude.. thats nonsense
printing money would lower the debt, no holy / oil war would lower debt...
but while there are some people on welfare who take advantage, their are others who need it to survive.
times are fucked, I dont even get welfare, I am below extreme poverty level. I have internet because I work random one day jobs and live at my parents again. fun huh?
Lots of people in England would want this too, but most people need it to stay alive + there just aren't enough jobs to go round anyway. You need to encourage people to work by making sure they end up with more money that way, and also make sure the jobs are there.
I like!
I don't really agree with this post. While, yes I know some people are just lazy. But many people actually need it, and don't particularly want to be in that position.
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